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Who is Artaysia?  Artaysia is a spirit guide that Rebecca specifically work with during a trance channeled psychic reading.


How does that work?  Rebecca goes into a light to medium trance and allows Artaysia to physically use her embodiment; delivering messages to people about all areas of their life. 


What do you expect when this happens? Rebecca will close her eyes for a few  moments in order to obtain the heightened trance state and then at this point Artaysia will merge with Rebecca and begin speaking to you.  


How do you know its Artaysia and not Rebecca?  Artaysia, is a separate entity entirely then Rebecca, thus she has different mannerism, speech (Russian accent, since that was her heritage in last incarnation), how she sits, and some say they can even see a difference in her appearance.  


Message from Artaysia: Yes , it is I, Artaysia and I am delighted to be of service.  You ask what is this that we do ..Rebecca and I? Well, it is a  communion of two souls.  One of this earth plan and one of the spiritual realm, both here to help as many as possible to obtain answers to their question, healing, and love. There is no possession, I do not 'take over' the body of Rebecca, I just use it , so to speak, with permission and understanding that it is always hers.  I, Artaysia, like you is connected to the Divine thus when you sit  for a reading or healing, I will connect with your Divine self and then help you to do the same.  You see, you are truly the reader, not me. We just open up your "book" and read what you have wrote, or writing or creating and share the information to you in order to find clarity, understanding, and peace.   Blessings beautiful souls, Artaysia



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